Shipping & Receiving


Freight will ONLY be accepted one day prior to the designated move-in day(s). The Center will not accept any C.O.D. deliveries. For cases involving an outside decorating company, freight must be shipped to the service contractor and delivered to the Center during the designated move-in period. All materials must be removed during designated move-out hours. Under no circumstance will materials be permitted to be left in the building until a later date. All freight should be clearly marked with the official name of the event as well as the contact person and should be delivered to Dock D. 


Excluding Exhibit Materials: Registration and meeting materials will be accepted (5) days in advance of a meeting. All shipments should be clearly marked with the official name of the event as well as the contact person and should be delivered to Dock D. Prior to arranging the shipment of materials, an Event Manager must be notified in advance of the Lessee’s plans to store materials on premise.

A storage fee will be charged for freight or shipments accepted prior to move-in day.

Storage is subject to availability.

Gateway Convention Center does not provide outbound shipment arrangements.  Center users are responsible for making these arrangements and should do so in advance of the event by calling 1-800-289-2388.